Stadium sailing is a new format that has been introduced at the Premier Sailing League in the Detroit venue this year.

This type of sailing has certain characteristics. It is a near shore racing category where fans can check out the athletes as they are on the waters close to them.
There was a demo event that was held at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club when sailing fans go to experience how this form of sailing is. The concept was showcased by Premier Sailing League USA. The league held the first event of this kind at the Gross Pointe Yacht Club in Detroit. The event was scheduled for September 10th. There were about ten teams that were racing J/70s with four sailors in each boat. The exhibition event comprised of eighteen races where 10 boats participated. Every team participated in nine races while they watched the remaining nine races being done by others. The sailing director of the club pointed out that it was a good way to be able to view the sailing participants. The format makes the sport more watchable and entertaining. The demo event was a test. As the first event was a success, it is planned that a new stadium sailing event would be held in the coming summer. It would be organized on behalf of Premier Sailing League USA. Continue reading Stadium Sailing In Detroit